Experiments are in abundance out here in the local Denver brewery and bar community — from the Blake Street to the burbs you find them in every corner of the cities spread. It is full of normal folks going buck wild on hops and yeast and the smiles on people faces. They stand like beacons of hope among the corporate giants and transgressions of old ideas. I recently visited a brewery and pizza parlor that goes by the name of Dad’s and Dudes Breweria that falls into that slice of Denver’s ever-growing culture. And here is what I found.

As I waited for my red-headed photographer friend to arrive I ordered a flight of beers and took in the ambiance. Dad’s and Dudes bake the spent grains from the dough into their pizza. The smell of freshly made, hand-crafted pizza pie filled the air and with it came the sounds of kids and families discussing their baseball games and band practices — and life sprinkled like confetti across the beginning of the weekend.
My photographer and serial entrepreneur friend Scott Flanigan arrived and we began to catch up on what he missed and what he envisioned. His vision is contagious and it boils over about The Denver Hopper and the potential within. Plotting the future is so much fun with excellent beer and an inviting atmosphere consisting of friends bursting with ideas. Out of my selection of beers, there was one that hit my pallet with love and emotion and that was the Dank IPA. It carried a fun and drinkable feel to it and I knew I could definitely put a few back, if only I had money for an Uber.

I ordered a pizza after the flight along with another Dank IPA. The sausage and pepperoni pizza was downright delectable with its crunch of the crust and authenticity in styling. The gods have blessed Centennial with a gift none should ignore. Eat well, drink heavy. The pizza disappeared like a David Blaine magic trick and I forgot to take a picture. I had to borrow one and the picture below is pretty accurate. But as the internet says: Sorry, Not Sorry. We decided it best to get more pictures and talk to Tom, the owner, about what makes the damn place tick.
At first, Tom showed little interest in the two no name folks with cameras and small websites, but within a short span, his frank and forward nature arrived as charming. He spoke with gooey nostalgia about the beginnings of their business and brewery. They started with only one barrel for brewing. My jaw dropped at the idea of starting a business on such slim pickings but it screams of strength and passion in the founders. I am a fan of controlled recklessness in the face of dreams, or for any reason, really.
Also, I should say, that if you are worried about the beer supply now, don’t be. There is plenty of beer for you and your friends and family, as they have expanded and brew their beer in different facilities.

In conclusion, I’d say the experiment of Dad’s and Dudes Breweria is a success and worth the drive. It can best be described as a refuge among the corporate restaurants that fill Centennial to the brim. The pizza is the shit, the beer is on point and finally, if you let it sink in, you will I realized the world we live in has its markers and unique characters that stand out in a sea of the mundane. And that’s a goddamn beautiful thing.

Hopper Notes:
Tuesday nights 9-11, along with $2 Tuesday’s, $2 slices of cheese pizza and $2 pints.
Dad’s and Dudes Breweria
Website: www.breweria.com
Address: 6730 S Cornerstar Way, Aurora, CO 80016